Honorary Degree for Professor Jacek Dobaczewski

Our longtime friend, theorist Jacek Dobaczewski, received honorary doctorate from The Claude Bernard University Lyon 1. on November 20, 2017.


On behalf of the Consortium EAGLE and HIL UW we sent to Prof. Jack Dobaczewski a congratulatory letter that was read during the laudation ceremony.

PARIS Meeting

The Annual PARIS Collaboration meeting will be held January 25-26, 2018 in Warsaw.
This meeting will be just after The ENSAR2 – NUSPRASEN Workshop on Nuclear Reactions (Theory and Experiment) (see http://slcj.uw.edu.pl/en/nusprasen/) which might be also of interest for some go you.
Apart from discussing the current status of the PARIS project, there will be discussed the PARIS physics: experiments done already, experiments approved and new ideas.
The workshop is planned to be from Thursday (25.01) morning till Friday (26.01) noon, but additionally on Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon some more specific meetings, PSC or PCC, can take place.
For the details go to http://slcj.uw.edu.pl/en/paris/.

Call for proposals for the first half of 2018

We invite to submit proposals for new and continued experiments with the
beams of the U200 heavy ion cyclotron at the Heavy Ion Laboratory,
University of Warsaw. This concerns the beam time allocation for the first
half of 2018.

More on page http://slcj.uw.edu.pl/en/beams/