XVII National Workshop on Acceleration and Application of Heavy Ions

We regret to inform you that the 17th edition of the National Workshop on Acceleration and Application of Heavy Ions must be canceled. This is due to the unexpected decision of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science not to financially support the work of our cyclotron in 2022. Unfortunately, the financial cuts also affected other large research infrastructures in Poland. In August, we called for a change to this decision, recalling our obligations towards the Polish and European scientific community. Suspending the operation of our accelerator puts our users in a difficult situation when implementing their grants with us, and prevents us from meeting the expectations of our foreign partners who have provided us with unique detection tools. As we have not yet received a response to our request, we are no longer able to prepare the cyclotron for work for the duration of the Workshop due to the lack of financial resources.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that for UW students enrolled in USOS, the Workshops will be held, but unfortunately in a reduced form for the above-mentioned reasons.
We hope that our Workshops will be resumed next year