Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe, Nobel Prize Laureate is going to visit the University of Warsaw!

Take part in an extraordinary event, a lecture ‘Understanding cellular oxygen sensing mechanisms:
adventures of a physician in discovery science’ along with the Q&A session, dedicated to students and employees of the University of Warsaw.
In 2019, the British scientist, together with William Kaelin and Gregg Semenza, was honored with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.
16 March 2023 r., 13:30-15:00
Lecture Hall A+B, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Żwirki i Wigury 101, 02-089 Warszawa
The meeting will be held in English. We do not provide simultaneous translation. Please register for the event: register form.
Abstract: The maintenance of oxygen homeostasis is a fundamental physiological challenge, inadequate oxygen (hypoxia) being a major component of most human diseases. The lecture will trace insights into human oxygen homeostasis from the founding work of William Harvey on the circulation of the blood to the molecular elucidation of a system of oxygen sensing that functions to measure oxygen levels in cells and control adaptive cellular and systemic responses to hypoxia. It will describe how work that commenced with studies of the regulation of the erythropoietin (EPO) gene by blood oxygen availability led to the unexpected discovery that the underlying oxygen sensitive process is present in all animal cells. The lecture will outline how the actual oxygen sensitive signal is generated by a set of ‘oxygen splitting’ enzymes that modify the key transcription factor (HIF) to signal its degradation (and hence inactivation) in the presence of oxygen. It will attempt to illustrate and rationalise the unexpected in biological discovery and discuss the interface of discovery science with the development of medical therapeutics.
Registration link:
The Nobel Prize Inspiration Initiative (NPII) is a global programme designed to help Nobel Laureates share their inspirational stories and insights. By taking Nobel Laureates on visits to universities and research centres around the world, and by capturing their thoughts on video, the Initiative seeks to bring the Laureates into closer contact with the worldwide scientific community, and especially with an audience of young scientists. The Initiative is organised by Nobel Prize Outreach, the company managing media rights for the Nobel Prize, in partnership with AstraZeneca.
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