
Call for applications in the START programme 2018

Stipends for young, talented researchers – employees or doctoral students at an institution of higher learning in Poland or other Polish institution whose chartered purposes include conducting scientific research – at the outset of their career, who have already achieved some success in their field. Applications may be filed in the programme by scientists with original research accomplishments who will not be over age 30 during the year of filing the application. Applicants over age 30 may also apply if they meet the additional conditions provided in the competition documentation. Young scholars are eligible to apply for stipends if they:
  • are employees or doctoral students at an institution of higher learning in Poland or other Polish institution whose chartered purposes include conducting scientific research, and
  • have scientific attainments, as documented by publications in recognised scientific journals.
START Programme Rules and the Application Instructions available at the START programme webpage. Call closing date:...
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OPUS 14, PRELUDIUM 14, DAINA 1: more than € 83 million available for basic research

The National Science Centre has announced the 14th edition of the OPUS and PRELUDIUM funding opportunities and the 1st edition of the Polish-Lithuanian DAINA programme. Scholars carrying out basic research will compete for a total of € 83.4 million in funding. – OPUS 14, funding scheme offers grants for the performance of basic research to all scientists, irrespective of their research experience (proposals submitted under this scheme may include the purchase or construction of research equipment); – PRELUDIUM 14, offers funds to researchers at the beginning of their career who have not been awarded their PhD degree yet. - DAINA 1, a new funding opportunity for joint Polish-Lithuanian research teams to be launched by the National Science Centre (NCN) and the Research Council of Lithuania (Lietuvos mokslo taryba, LMT). The programme aims to support research projects in all fields of science and the humanities. Proposals must be submitted via the ZSUN/OSF system (
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