
Students Workshop 2020 has to be canceled

Pursuant to Regulation No. 206 of the University of Warsaw Rector from September 7, 2020 on the organisation of education in the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, university-wide classes may only be held remotely. Therefore, due to the COVID-19 pandemics, the 16th Polish Workshop on Acceleration and Application of Heavy Ions in 2020 will not be held....
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Open Meeting of the PPS Nuclear Physics Sections

The Nuclear Physics Section of the Polish Physical Society plans to conduct an Open Meeting of Section using online tools. The afternoon of September 28, 2020 (from 2 PM to 6 PM) was selected for the meeting. The main purpose of the meeting is to exchange information on the activity and number of Polish teams conducting research in the broadly understood nuclear physics and its applications. Representatives of main research centres will present research teams working in these institutions their activity, as well as the infrastructure they have or are going to build. After all the presentations, there will be time for presentations by other research groups and a general discussion. Of course, there will also be time to present the current activities of the PPS Nuclear Physics Section, development prospects and encourage to join the work of this organization. All interested in are welcome to participate in the Section meeting. Registration...
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The first experiment after the COVID-19 lockdown.

On July 10 and 13, 2020, samples were irradiated with an internal alpha beam. It was the first part of the HIL091 project "Cross-section measurements of 117mSn and its contaminants produced by alpha particles on natural Cadmium and natural Indium targets", proposed by an Italian-Polish team led by Gaja Pupillo (LNL) and Lucia De Dominicis (HIL). The experiment is a part of the WP15-TecHIBA task within the ENSAR2 European programme and is the first use of the U-200P cyclotron beam for scientific research after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Lucia De Dominicis and Agnieszka Trzcińska perform a spectrometric analysis of irradiated samples. ...
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