
Dr Mateusz Pęgier

On 23rd of October, 2020, the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw held a public defence of the doctoral dissertation of Mateusz Pęgier. The work was entitled “Application of solid phase extraction for separation and preconcetration of scandium ions” and was based on the results obtained at ŚLCJ UW. Prof. Krystyna Pyrzyńska from the Faculty of Chemistry was the supervisor of the thesis. Congratulation!...
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1st of November in Miednoje

On November 1, representatives of the Polish group at ZIBJ Dubna visited the Polish Military Cemetery in Miednoje. Visitors paid tribute to Polish officers killed in the place, lit large candles (white and red from Poland) and hung white-red sashes. Candles were also lit in the Russian part of the cemetery. There were also representatives of the Polish Embassy in Moscow at the cemetery. (photos: G.Kamiński)...
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