
Seminar by Prof. Thorsten Kröll

With a great pleasure, we invite you to the extraordinary HIL seminar that will take place on Thursday, 23rd of Febuary 2023, at 10:15 (CET) in the hall A. Professor Thorsten Kröll from Institut für Kernphysik Technische Universität Darmstadt will give a lecture: “Fast-timing experiments with heavy nuclei following particle-induced reactions“...
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Registration for GOSIA Workshop 2023 is opened!

The 4th GOSIA Workshop will be held at the Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, on 27-30 March 2023. Five years after holding the previous GOSIA Workshop it is time to bring together the community of present and potential GOSIA users again. Coulomb excitation is a well-established experimental method used by many scientific collaborations all over the world. Interest in COULEX has increased after successful experimental campaigns at radioactive beam facilities and with new results on the structure of stable nuclei. The complexity of experimental set-ups used to study new regions of the nuclear chart has resulted in previously unknown challenges in the data analysis. The meeting will provide veteran users with an opportunity to present recent achievements in COULEX analysis and allow newcomers to the field to get help from more experienced users. The 4th GOSIA Workshop will be held at the Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, on 27-30 March 2023. First half of...
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Seminar by Łukasz Standyło

With a great pleasure, we invite you to the forthcoming HIL seminar that will take place on Wednesday, 22nd of Febuary 2023, at 12:15 (CET) in the library. Łukasz Standyło
will give a lecture: “Investigation of the mechanism of capturing ions and atoms introduced into the plasma produced by the ECR method“...
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