HIL Annual Report
HIL Annual Report 2017 is available on HIL website.
HIL Annual Report 2017 is available on HIL website.
Advanced FAST-TIMING techniques have been recently applied at the Heavy Ion Laboratory UW with help of EAGLE HPGe array (16 Ge ACS) combined with the EYE (sEquential gamma raYs dEtection- 24 LaBr3) setup. The EYE setup have been developed by Michał Kowalczyk and Ernest Grodner supported by technical and scientific team from HIL UW, NCNR and european FATIMA to hold 24 LaBr detectors.
The EAGLE-EYE combination allows to apply several fast-timing techniques for lifetime measurements within 10ps-10ns range:
First experiments with triple HPGe-LaBr-LaBr coincidences have been
performed with 24 LaBr detectors delivered by FATIMA collaboration at
February and March 2018. More details see http://wudas2.slcj.uw.edu.pl/spin-chirality/eagle_eye/placement/placement.html
In the summer semester at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, ul. Pasteura 5, there is a lecture by dr Katarzyna Wrzosek-Lipska entitled “Coulomb excitations – a tool for testing atomic nuclei”.
All interested are invited on Thursdays, from March 8, 2018, at 9.15 to room 1.01. The lecture is in Polish.