French-Italian-Polish Collaborations
On March 5-7, a workshop about French-Italian-Polish Collaborations will be organised at the Heavy Ions Laboratory. More details on Joint LIA COLL‐AGAIN, COPIGAL, and POLITA Workshop webpage.
On March 5-7, a workshop about French-Italian-Polish Collaborations will be organised at the Heavy Ions Laboratory. More details on Joint LIA COLL‐AGAIN, COPIGAL, and POLITA Workshop webpage.
On January 14-15, a conference will be organised at the Heavy Ions Laboratory. The main objective of the conference is an integration of Polish nuclear physics community. Possible future projects of low energy nuclear physics research will be presented and discussed.
The conference is organised jointly by the Sections of Nuclear Physics of Polish Physical Society, HIL UW and IFJ PAN.
The HIL PAC Meeting will take place on 21st of January 2019 at 10:00 in the Heavy Ion
Laboratory. The agenda of the PAC Meeting is available here.