Global Nuclear Physics Innovation.

The Enterprise Europe Network and the Heavy Ion Laboratory of the University of Warsaw has the honor of inviting you to the brokerage event: Global Nuclear Physics Innovation.

Innovative solutions in the utilization of nuclear physics applications will challenge the minds of academia and industry during the dedicated event on 2nd & 3rd December 2020, in Warsaw, Poland (Online meetings).

The event will target a wide spectrum of laboratories, universities, companies from the power plant, medicine and pharmaceutical industry, space industry and beyond to foster the creation of technology transfers, collaborative research, innovation networks, innovation activities.

The nuclear physics laboratories facilities have the chance to established links with international industry and SMEs. The goal of brokerage event is to create a strong network of laboratories and industrial partners in the close relation which all the nuclear facilities and partners (better knowledge of the existing facilities for beam industrial users, wider market for technology transfer possibilities).

face to face meetings – the way to successful cooperation!

This 3rd edition of the Nuclear Physics Innovation of brokerage event is organized in a special time. Among the different areas of research activity, we add a special subject in reference to fighting against the COVID-19 – virus protein structure analysis with the use of synchrotron.

Event website:

The official language of the brokerage meeting will be English.

Participation in the brokerage event is free.

NCBJ Virtual SHE seminars

Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic slowing down the international collaboration and in-person contacts, the investigations of SHEs and publishing new results were continuing. As we cannot meet during any conference we have decided to create a series of virtual talks dedicated to the research on super heavy nuclei (SHE).

The first seminar on  13th of October, 2020 at 3 p.m. will be given by:

Prof. Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR, Dubna, Russia

Experiments with nuclei and atoms of super heavy elements  (reasoning while in isolation)”


Prof. Witold Nazarewicz, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Superheavy elements: theoretical challenges (an update)” .

We hope you can join and enjoy these virtual talks.

Students Workshop 2020 has to be canceled

Pursuant to Regulation No. 206 of the University of Warsaw Rector from September 7, 2020 on the organisation of education in the winter semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, university-wide classes may only be held remotely. Therefore, due to the COVID-19 pandemics, the 16th Polish Workshop on Acceleration and Application of Heavy Ions in 2020 will not be held.