Janusz Jasiński passed away

On the 17th of June 2024, Janusz Jasiński, a retired employee of SLCJ, passed away. For many years, he supported research conducted at the Laboratory as a member of the mechanical workshops team with his skills and talent. His work was appreciated by his colleagues and by users of the Warsaw Cyclotron. His son, Piotr, works with us, and we express our deepest condolences to him.

Report from the 30th anniversary of the Warsaw Cyclotron ion beam

We are pleased to share a video report from the 30th anniversary celebrations of the Warsaw Cyclotron ion beam.

We invite you to watch it.

Seminar by Prof. Krzysztof Starosta

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming SLCJ seminar, which will take place on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 12:15 (CET) in the library.

Professor Krzysztof Starosta

from Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada

will give a lecture:

“Structure of nuclei far from stability from TIP/TIGRESS program at TRIUMF”