European detectors will stay at HIL longer.

EAGLE collaboration the third time won competition on exploatation in our
HIL UW 20 high efficient (70 %) Germanium detectors. We were ably to use
those Ge detectors in 2017, 2018 and 2019 years.
Decision of European GammaPool Owner’s Committee (EGP OC).

Professor Adam Sobiczewski passed away

Prof. Adam Sobiczewski – world class physicist specialising in nuclear theory – passed away on 20th of October, 2017  in th morning. We all know his outstanding works on the structure and properties of heavy and super heavy nuclei. Professor Sobiczewski supported the Heavy Ions Laboratory with his experience and knowledge as a member of the Laboratory Council and the Jury of Laboratory Price founded by prof. T.T.Inamurę.

XIII Students’ Workshop at HIL

On October 23, 2017, the 13th Polish Workshop on Acceleration and Applications of Heavy Ions will commence. 16 students from 5 universities will participate. Details on the workshop’s web page.