Academic class in XVIII Zamoyski High School

Dr Mansi Saxena with the lecture “You don’t need to be a nuclear physicist – to understand nuclear science“, inaugurated the program of the academic class in the XVIII Jan Zamoyski High School.

The HIL is  patron of the academic class program. The lecture by Dr. Mansi Saxeny was a part of results dissemination of the NCN-POLONEZ1 project “Exploring Nuclear Structure of nuclei in the vicinity of Z = 50 closed shell using Coulomb Excitation technique.

Call for proposals 2019

We invite to submit proposals for new and continued experiments with the
beams of the U200-P heavy ion cyclotron at the Heavy Ion Laboratory,
University of Warsaw. This concerns the beam time allocation for the first
half of 2019.

Read more in pdf.

XIV Students’ Workshop at HIL

On October 21, 2018, the 14th Polish Workshop on Acceleration and Applications of Heavy Ions took place. Details on the workshop’s web page.