Next seminar devoted to FAIR

It is a great pleasure to announce next seminar devoted to FAIR.
The speakers are
Prof. Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL) with a talk „FAIR in the NuPECC Long Range Plan 2024 for European Nuclear Physics”
Prof. Piotr Salabura (UJ) with a talk “FAIR- challenges and opportunities for polish science and technology”
More details – see

The talks will be given in the Main Lecture Hall (Aula) of the IFJ PAN at Radzikowskiego 152, this Friday(24.01) at 13:00 ECT.
and via zoom
ID: 955 4768 3095
Kod: 564895

Seminar by dr hab. Aleksandra Sentkowska

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming SLCJ seminar, which will take place on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 12:15 (CET) in the library.

dr hab. Aleksandra Sentkowska

will give a lecture:

“Nano selenium – why is it so important?”

Visit of a delegation from South Africa

On November 22 at HIL, we hosted Dr. Rudolph Nchodu – Deputy Director of iThemba LABS
and Dr. Arnoux Rossouw from the Faculty of Science at Nelson Mandela University.

The topic of the talks was the establishment of cooperation between our Laboratory and institutions from the Republic of South Africa.

During the meeting, our guests had the opportunity to get to know research equipment at HIL – experimental setups and the Medical Imaging Laboratory.