Call for proposals 2017

The next meeting of the HIL Program Advisory Committee will be held at HIL in Warsaw in March 2017. The information about final date will be announced soon.
By this message we would like to invite to submit proposals for new and continued experiments with the heavy-ion beams delivered by the U200-P cyclotron at Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw.
This PAC will consider applications for the beam time allocation for the April, May, June and October, November and December 2017. Heavy Ion Laboratory, as a Transnational Access Facility, offers a financial support for external users within the HORIZON2020 ENSAR2 project.
The deadline for submitting Proposals and Letters of Intent is 6th of February 2017.
Please use the beam request form available at: The proposals should be sent to the Marzena Wolińska-Cichocka: mala(at)
The presentation of the proposals will take place in March 2017 at Heavy Ion Laboratory in Warsaw, Pasteura 5A, at the open PAC Meeting. The date and exact schedule of this meeting will be announced later.