About: gcolucci

Recent Posts by gcolucci

PAC Meeting – HIL

The next meeting of the Experiment Committee will take place on April 14, 2023. The Agenda of the meeting is available here....
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Measurement of the lifetime of the excited states in 134Sm – experiment performed at HIL

In the last two weeks, an experiment aiming at the measurement of the lifetime of the excited states in 134Sm, proposed by Dr Saygi from Ankara University, was performed at HIL. The experiment employed the NEEDLE (NEDA+EAGLE) set-up coupled with the PLUNGER device of Cologne University. We thank all the researchers from HIL, the University of Ankara, the University of Cologne, IFJ PAN of Cracow, the University of the West of Scotland, Atomki and the University of Warsaw and the HIL cyclotron’s operators for their important contribution. The project was partially supported by the EURO-LABS (EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences) grant. ...
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Barrier distribution measurement – experiment performed at HIL

For the last two weeks, the Barrier group of HIL together with the researchers from the LNS of Catania and the University of Jyväskylä performed the experiment using the CUDAC set-up to study the influence of non-collective excitations on the barrier distributions by comparing the 20Ne+92,94,95Mo systems. Thanks to all the researchers and to the HIL cyclotron’s operators for their contribution to performing this successful experiment. The project was partially supported by the EURO-LABS (EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences) grant. ...
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