We invite doctoral students and academics to participate in the First Virtual Scientific Conference of the Ochota Campus (WKNKO-1). This conference is a joint initiative of the Departments of Chemistry, Physics (also including the Astronomical Observatory), Geology, Geography and Regional Studies, as well as Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics.
The conference is addressed primarily to doctoral students of the mentioned Faculties, participants of the School of Sciences and Natural Sciences, and all employees of the University of Warsaw. Will be held from 30.06.2020-01.07.2020. Participation in the conference is free, but registration is required on the website https://wknko.ckc.uw.edu.pl/. The conference program will consist of plenary lectures of invited guests as well as poster presentations of doctoral students in four thematic sections: 1. Chemistry, 2. Physics and Astronomy, 3. Geology and Geography, and 4. Mathematics and Computer Science, both in Polish and English. The deadline for sending abstracts of...
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First Virtual Scientific Conference of Ochota Campus