About: Pawel Napiorkowski

Recent Posts by Pawel Napiorkowski

The PARIS White Book

The PARIS White Book, edited by Franco Camera, Adam Maj and others,  is on-line. PARIS is a collaborative international project (http://paris.ifj.edu.pl) to construct and operate a novel gamma-ray calorimeter. The PARIS White Book is intended to provide a general description of the performances of the PARIS array, of the different laboratories which could, in the next years, host it and of the physics cases that can be addressed by the PARIS array. To read the report, follow the link to the IFJ PAN Krakow repository. ...
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Kraków@FAIR Virtuall Workshop

We have a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the Krakow@FAIR Virtual Workshop, that will be held via zoom on April 23, 2021, from 13:00 till 19:00. During the meeting we plan to briefly present the goals and status of the new facility in Darmstadt (Germany) – FAIR, which is currently under construction. The focus on the meeting will be put on contributions of the groups from Krakow:  the Jagiellonian University, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN and the AGH University of Science and Technology to the FAIR project. The preliminary program can be found at https://indico.meson.if.uj.edu.pl/event/2/. We encourage you to participate in the meeting and also to spread the information about this meeting among your colleagues and particularly young researches and students. The meeting will be hold via zoom. In order to get a link to the meeting we kindly ask you to register at  https://indico.meson.if.uj.edu.pl/event/2/....
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