You are kindly asked to submit contributions to the HIL Annual Report 2021 by 10th of April, 2023. Contributions should be sent by e-mail to raport(at)
The contributions should cover HIL related activities performed in the period 1 January – 31 December 2022.
Authors of several papers should send each one in a separate email.
Articles in any text format are accepted. The preferred format is LaTeX, but simple ASCI text, MS-Word and OpenOffice or LibreOffice files are accepted as well.
The contributions are limited in length to 3 pages, which for the page format of the report is equivalent to about 9000 characters including spaces. If the contribution includes figures, the text should be correspondingly shorter.
For the author list please insert names separated by commas (only initials and family name).
For the affiliation please do not write full addresses: after the Institution name, write only the City, the Province/State when applies and the Country. Please make sure that a proper form of the institution name is used (which can usually be checked at the institution web page).
Affiliation indexes in the author list should not be used if all authors have the same affiliation.
Figures should be provided as separate files, in any common graphic format (JPEG, GIF, PDF, PNG, etc.). Figures SHOULD NOT be inserted into MS-Word or LibreOffice, OpenOffice files.
Please name graphic files in a clear manner, with the numbering in agreement with their position in the text.
References to figures or tables and their captions should be included in the main text files. The table caption should be placed on top of the table, the figure caption below the corresponding figure.
Checkif the qualityof the figure is suitable for printing, taking into account its expected final size. The symbol width and lettering height should be at least 2 mm. Curves and lines should have consistent line widths of sufficient weight – final weight of at least 0.18 mm (0.5 point) is required. The resolution of illustrations should be 300 dpi or higher.
Colors are acceptable, but due to the significantly higher cost of printing color pages, please do not use colors wherever it is not necessary.
A non-breaking space should be placed between a numerical value and its unit e.g.: 200 µg/cm2.
A dot, not a colon or comma, should be used as decimal mark in numbers.